If you are intending to run InfluxDB on AWS, you probably want to change the location where it stores the data to your larger EBS volume. Here is how you go about it:
1) After installing InfluxDB, make sure to create an empty table so that you have the basic data structure on disk;
2) Next, stop InfluxDB by running service influxdb stop;
3) Next, head over to /opt/influxdb/shared. The data directory is where the data is. If your want your InfluxDB data to be stored in /data/influxdb, move the 3 directories in shared/data (db, raft, wal) to /data/influxdb.
4) Next, open /opt/influxdb/shared/config.toml file and make three changes by commenting out original locations and adding new locations:
#dir = "/opt/influxdb/shared/data/raft"
dir = "/data/influxdb/raft"
#dir = "/opt/influxdb/shared/data/db"
dir = "/data/influxdb/db"[wal]
#dir = "/opt/influxdb/shared/data/wal"
dir = "/data/influxdb/wal"
5) Next, Save config.toml and also copy it to /opt/influxdb/current.
6) Finally, service influxdb start and service influxdb status to make sure it’s running.
And that is it.